Ever since W was born, the idea of "father" has at times consumed my thoughts. What is a father? How is he supposed to act? How is supposed to carry himself in front of his children? How is he to be different from mom? How is he to be similar to her? Why do the children turn to mom when sad or needed to be comforted? How do I know that I'm doing right by my sons?
There have been a handful of "father's days" that I have celebrated since 2012: December 20; the day W was born. February 5; the day S was born. June 16; the first official Father's Day I celebrated. There are other days as well, but none as significant as Friday, June 8, 2018: the first day I had to be a father.
Friday, June 8, 2018. The day I had to tell W and S that their uncle died.
Uncle J had been sick for almost two months. He had been in the hospital for nearly that whole time. As is his nature, W asked almost daily how Uncle J was feeling, and if he was going to be ok. C and I decided to be honest with W about Uncle J's condition. Honest, but gentle, in our words, from the first time we heard of J's hospital admission, through the days and nights of tears and uncertainty, until the end, June 7, 2018.
C and I briefly discussed how and when we were going to tell the boys of Uncle J's death. I told C that I would tell them.
The boys love going on walks around the neighborhood. W has to inspect all of the garbage cans placed out on the street for addresses, broken handles and lids, missing wheels, and so much more. S loves checking out the "ishoners" in all of the alleys. Although it would interrupt the enjoyment and exploration of the neighborhood to tell the boys of their uncle's passing, it would also be the perfect time to do so.
I offered the boys a shade break under some trees in the neighborhood, a spot where we have often rested, as far back as when W was a baby. I told him that Uncle J had died last night. Immediately, his voice changed to sadness. "Oooohhhh nooooo... he really died?" His voice angry, yet concerned. I told him yes. The tears came instantly. His tears were not of those of a young child refused a toy at a store; a little boy denied an extra sweet; nor of a son learning boundaries and proper behavior through a timeout in a chair. W's tears were the tears of the devastated.
So you cry.
But more importantly, you let your son cry. You offer him your arms and you hold him tight. You make his pain yours, and no one else's. You answer his questions honestly. You tell him about heaven.
You love him.
You be the father he needs and wants because that is all that matters.
(The Other) Westy Side Story
Stories and thoughts from a husband, father, son, teacher, sports enthusiast, and CFer.
A Letter to My Son on the Eve of His Third Birthday
Five days ago, your mother and I took you and your brother to the doctor's office to get a flu shot. When I arrived home from work, I could hear you crying before I even walked through the door. It was evident that you had recently received the news of your late afternoon destination. The crying, as well as your pleas to stay home, lasted longer than the trip to the doctor's office...
You and I have something in common. We are both the second born child in our respective families. And I can say the following without guilt or reservation: it's actually pretty easy being the second son. Our parents have already been through the fright of being first time parents, so this experience affords us the opportunity to be a little more laid back, a little more funny, a little more trouble...
When we arrived at the doctor's office your crying did not relent. In fact, when I was at the front desk getting you and W checked in, I heard a kid behind you say, "Who's doing all that crying!!??!!" I had to smile and chuckle just a bit because it was my S who was in tears...
When you want your mom and dad's attention for matters that concern you the most at any given moment, you get right in our face, look at us right in the eyes, and deliver your requests and instructions. The excitement in your voice is not over-the-top, but you are quite persistent in what you have to tell us. With your head usually crooked to one side, you proclaim, "Daddy! Daddy! You need to..." and you don't stop until your request is completed to your satisfaction...
You were sitting on your mother's lap, and your brother kept asking me when you two were going to be called back for your shots. Over and over he asked. Over and over you worried. But when the nurse called your names, you hopped off mommy's lap and took my hand and we walked to the exam room together...
Parents often compare their children. I think it's impossible to expect parents no to do so. Your mother and I often compare you and W. You two have many similarities. Your mother and I talk about you two daily, if not hourly, as long as work does not get in the way. But we don't compare you to W in order to criticize or ask why can't S be like W??? We compare you two to make sure you are different. We compare you to make sure you are S and nobody else...
You hid behind me in the exam room right when the nurse spoke her first word. You scooted behind my legs and held tight, making sure you wouldn't be seen. As I tried to step to the side to bring you out in front of me, you moved in lockstep with me, ensuring your cover wouldn't be blown. We asked you who you wanted to sit with, mommy or daddy? You were too occupied with your worrying to answer. So I picked you up and held you. You did not cry as the nurse gave you your shot...
Tomorrow you turn three years old. I have been blessed to be your daddy for three years. Soon enough, too soon really, you no longer will call me "daddy." And that's how it's supposed to be. But I will be there to be your shield when you need protection; to defend you when you need someone to be your champion; to learn and grow with you when things get confusing and challenging.
βYou have plenty of courage, I am sure,β answered Oz. βAll you need is confidence in yourself. There is no living thing that is not afraid when it faces danger. The true courage is in facing danger when you are afraid, and that kind of courage you have in plenty.β- L. Frank Baum
Five days ago, your mother and I took you and your brother to the doctor's office to get a flu shot. When I arrived home from work, I could hear you crying before I even walked through the door. It was evident that you had recently received the news of your late afternoon destination. The crying, as well as your pleas to stay home, lasted longer than the trip to the doctor's office...
You and I have something in common. We are both the second born child in our respective families. And I can say the following without guilt or reservation: it's actually pretty easy being the second son. Our parents have already been through the fright of being first time parents, so this experience affords us the opportunity to be a little more laid back, a little more funny, a little more trouble...
When we arrived at the doctor's office your crying did not relent. In fact, when I was at the front desk getting you and W checked in, I heard a kid behind you say, "Who's doing all that crying!!??!!" I had to smile and chuckle just a bit because it was my S who was in tears...
When you want your mom and dad's attention for matters that concern you the most at any given moment, you get right in our face, look at us right in the eyes, and deliver your requests and instructions. The excitement in your voice is not over-the-top, but you are quite persistent in what you have to tell us. With your head usually crooked to one side, you proclaim, "Daddy! Daddy! You need to..." and you don't stop until your request is completed to your satisfaction...
You were sitting on your mother's lap, and your brother kept asking me when you two were going to be called back for your shots. Over and over he asked. Over and over you worried. But when the nurse called your names, you hopped off mommy's lap and took my hand and we walked to the exam room together...
Parents often compare their children. I think it's impossible to expect parents no to do so. Your mother and I often compare you and W. You two have many similarities. Your mother and I talk about you two daily, if not hourly, as long as work does not get in the way. But we don't compare you to W in order to criticize or ask why can't S be like W??? We compare you two to make sure you are different. We compare you to make sure you are S and nobody else...
You hid behind me in the exam room right when the nurse spoke her first word. You scooted behind my legs and held tight, making sure you wouldn't be seen. As I tried to step to the side to bring you out in front of me, you moved in lockstep with me, ensuring your cover wouldn't be blown. We asked you who you wanted to sit with, mommy or daddy? You were too occupied with your worrying to answer. So I picked you up and held you. You did not cry as the nurse gave you your shot...
Tomorrow you turn three years old. I have been blessed to be your daddy for three years. Soon enough, too soon really, you no longer will call me "daddy." And that's how it's supposed to be. But I will be there to be your shield when you need protection; to defend you when you need someone to be your champion; to learn and grow with you when things get confusing and challenging.
βYou have plenty of courage, I am sure,β answered Oz. βAll you need is confidence in yourself. There is no living thing that is not afraid when it faces danger. The true courage is in facing danger when you are afraid, and that kind of courage you have in plenty.β- L. Frank Baum
"... And Love"
I have never wished that I didn't have CF.
In fact, if given one wish, I've always said that I would wish that my younger brother never had the disease.
Then why do I conceal my health condition from the majority of people that I know. Well, let's examine this question...
First, the disease itself is very easy to hide from those around me. Why? Three factors:
In fact, if given one wish, I've always said that I would wish that my younger brother never had the disease.
Then why do I conceal my health condition from the majority of people that I know. Well, let's examine this question...
First, the disease itself is very easy to hide from those around me. Why? Three factors:
- The outward physical characteristics of my condition. I'm a thin guy. Not as thin as I used to be, but still underweight. So when asked about my weight, it's easy enough just to say that I'm a picky eater. Which has always been true.
- For the most part I've kept myself in good physical condition. I definitely could exercise more, especially cardiovascular activities. (It was embarrassing getting winded so quickly while running around in the front yard with C, W and S the other week). But I keep up with all of my meds, don't smoke or take drugs, go on regular walks, stay on my feet almost all day at work and take the boys on numerous physical excursions. Because of this, I don't really have too many coughing spells or shortness of breath experiences because I keep myself healthy.
- My scars are not visible. This reason is similar to reason number one. I have three scars from surgeries on my abdomen. As long as I stay covered up, no one can see my scars. To the whole world, I look like a short, slightly balding father of two great children and husband to a wonderful wife.
Third, I suppose I am afraid of the unknown. I'm afraid how people would react. I'm afraid they would think different of me, both for the better and the worse. I'm not the type of person to seek or crave undue attention or clamor for the spotlight (cliche alert!). I'm not looking for a pity party.
I've never hated CF. Sure, just saying the words cystic fibrosis can make me shudder a bit. (You'll notice that up until the last sentence, I've only referenced the disease as CF) But I've never hated it. Despite how it's changed the lives of those the most close to me. Despite how it will impact and affect W and S's lives. But the main difference between what W and S will experience with my health as opposed to everyone else who are the closest to me is that they are the only two people who don't have CF that will go their entire lives knowing that I have CF.
I've never hated CF despite the financial and emotional costs it has placed on my parents and C. There's no way I could ever thank my parents and C enough for what they have done for me. For what they continue to do for me. For believing in what I could become. For not treating me differently. For loving me.
And I sit here as I type this blog post thinking how much of a jerk I must sound like for not hating something that has caused the people closest to me physical and emotional pain. But I can't hate "it." Because "it" is me. Even though I've sworn that CF will not kill me, I can't distance myself from the disease.
I think what it has offered to the people closest to me is an increase in their capacity to love. And I think that's a good thing. This world not only needs more love, but it needs greater love. Whether I've entered these people's worlds by choice or chance, I am humbled by their sacrifice, dedication and love. I hope I have made them proud.
As I try to find the right words to end this post, a song that is dear to C just played though my headphones. I think a couple lines will properly wrap things up... "I hope if everybody runs, you choose to stay... I hope that you fall in love and it hurts so bad... the only way you can know if you give it all you had... I hope you don't suffer, but take the pain..."
What I Will Take From Summer Vacation
I returned to work a couple Thursdays ago after having the last 11 weeks off. This was the fifth summer I was "dad." While many events occurred over this time, I present before you a list of items that I will take from summer vacation.
- It's Hard Being 2 Years Old- I know a lot of words now, but why can't I use words to tell how I feel, especially when I'm sad, mad or hurt??? I LOVE playing outside, but HATE coming inside when mommy and daddy tell me too... W gets to go to summer camp at school, but I have to get back in the car with daddy??? Diaper changes are the worst. Why can't I go potty like W yet?... Why do I always give my toys to W, but he hardly ever gives any to me??? Wait, I can ride a roller coaster now, but I still have to be buckled into a carseat???
- It's Hard Being 4 Years Old- At the beginning of summer, things were different. Nani isn't coming over, Grandma isn't coming over, Daddy's at home. What's going on??? People are asking more things of me now- school, potty, cleaning up after myself. I feel like I always need to answer them, but I don't know if what I'm saying is what they want to hear. I'm trying my best... Life was good until S came around. But I'm trying to be nicer to him. Using my words to express how I feel about him is difficult, but I'm getting better... Why am I already worrying about kindergarten??? I've just started my last year of preschool, but kindergarten is already on my (ever-busy) mind...
- Addie Might Be Getting Older, But She Hasn't Yet Lost Her Loyalty to Her Family- Every night Addie sits next to me while I do my vest. I never have to invite her. She just follows me down into the basement and jumps up on the couch to lay next to me while I sit and shake for 30 minutes. Man's best friend. When C is not feeling well, or is feeling sad, or frustrated or like things are not breaking her way, Addie stays by her side until she knows her work is done. Man's best friend. When it's time for W and S to go to bed, Addie comes into W's room with us for story time, and then comes into S's room while I give him his bottle and put him to bed. She'll lay on the floor or hop up onto his bed and stay with me until we both know S is asleep. Man's best friend. She's gone from being the center of our attention to third on the depth chart in less than five years. And this is weird saying it about a dog, but she's handled it extremely well. She hasn't gotten aggressive, whiney or destructive. It's as if she believes her role is to watch over every single member of our family. And I've told her over and over that she doesn't need to do it, she can just relax and enjoy being a dog. But she doesn't listen. Man's best friend, indeed.
- I Am In Love With My Wife- This really shouldn't be that much of a revelation. I have the world's greatest wife. I think that the best thing I can say about her and our relationship right now is that not only do I love her, but I am still in love with her. Like, actively in love with her. C wrote recently in her blog about our "first fight(?)" and how she thought "it made us closer. Something I didn't realize was possible before the argument- I just assumed we were as close as could be." This is what I mean... we're not settling for the ho-hum, day-in-day-out marriage. I think we've regained some curiosity for each other that had grown rather dormant over ten years and two children. It hasn't been easy. C mentions in that post of our "long, emotional, honest, raw conversation." That's exactly what it was! And it was a conversation that needed to occur. And what sprung forth from that conversation was the rekindling of an active and evolving love. (And W and S are the absolute best children two parents could ever wish for)
- "You Know a Summer Was Great When You're Sad That It Is Over"- Returning to work after summer vacation is always difficult for me. This year was probably the most difficult time I had returning to another year of teaching. I complain about W and S often. And after I do, I feel bad about it. And then I complain about them again. But there I was the morning before I had to return to work crying because I was thinking about how much I was going to miss the boys. And there I was crying again the morning of my first day of work. When I told C about this, she said something that was absolutely spot on- "you know a summer was great when you're sad that is was over" (she would later express these sentiments to me again in a very sweet card). This was a great summer. The boys are getting older and a little more independent each day. And when they are getting along with each other, it's the sweetest thing to witness. And I am extremely fortunate to be able to participate as much as I can in their development. When C and I first told people that she was pregnant with W, everyone told us to cherish this time in his life because it goes by quickly. I wish they were wrong.
What I Will Miss From Summer Vacation
I return to work on Thursday after having the last 11 weeks off. This was the fifth summer I was "dad." While many events occurred over this time, I present before you a list of items that I will miss from summer vacation.
Disclaimer #1: Even though some items/events appear on this list, it does not mean that these items/events will cease just because my vacation is over. The duration, frequency and dates of these events as I witness or partake in them will change.
Disclaimer #2: These events are not ranked in any particular order other than when they popped into my mind.
Disclaimer #1: Even though some items/events appear on this list, it does not mean that these items/events will cease just because my vacation is over. The duration, frequency and dates of these events as I witness or partake in them will change.
Disclaimer #2: These events are not ranked in any particular order other than when they popped into my mind.
- The Boys Waking Up in the Morning- This is by far the time of the day when W and S are at their cutest. S is usually the first to wake up. Oftentimes C and I hear S singing in his bed through the monitor. He songs of choice are "Go, Cubs, Go," "Tomorrow," "Who Let the Dogs Out?" and "Castle on the Hill." These few minutes are beyond adorable. C and I always take a few seconds to figure out what S is singing, and when we are able to interpret what he's crooning, we both look at each other and smile. W doesn't necessarily make it as well known that he's awake like his brother does. Oh, occasionally we hear strange noises from his room or his feet kicking the wall. What he's been doing lately, though, is, once he knows I'm outside his door, open his bedroom door about 1/5 of the way and throw his owl buddies out of his room one at a time. Every now and then Pete the Cat comes flying out towards me. Once he comes into our room, W has recently been greeting C and I with hugs. How is that not the best way to start the day??? (Well, there is another way. See a previous post) Now that I'm about to go back to work, I have to leave the house between 6:30-6:45. That means that most days at least one of the boys will still be asleep when I leave. Welcoming in the new day with middle schoolers isn't nearly as pleasant as doing so with W and S.
- Our Bedtime Routine- Ok, I'll still be around for 99.99% of these. But there are seven nights during the school year when I usually miss putting the boys to bed. W hasn't lost his interest in books and S likes stories, even though he doesn't have quite the attention span to sit and listen to a book from start to finish. But when they cuddle up next to C and I when we begin reading, it is the cutest thing ever. As we read, W will ask his thousand questions and S, even if he's already moved to the other side of the room, will randomly repeat, with emphasis, a word either C or I have just read. And S being C's toothbrush helper... and W saying good night and hugging me... and S saying good night to W, then to C and giving her a hug... it might be a struggle to get them into their jammies sometimes, but when it's time to actually go to sleep, no matter how crappy the day might have been, everything at this moment is perfect.
- Top Secret Missions- These started years ago, but I don't quite remember exactly how. The gist of it is the boys and I going on a Starbucks run with the occasional Dunkin Donuts stop thrown in there as well. As for why it's "top secret" I don't exactly remember why. I must have snuck out of the house one morning with W to surprise C with Starbucks (that sounds like a thing that I would do). Over the last few summers, Top Secret Missions have been executed on Friday mornings since C usually works from home those days. The boys always want to help bring something inside the house once we successfully complete our mission, so W brings in the bag of bagels and S brings in the four straws. Now that school is back in session, our Summer Friday Top Secret Missions have come to an end. I guess we'll still have Labor Day and an occasional Saturday morning mission. But the end of Top Secret Mission season is a bit melancholic.
- Garbage Day- Speaking of Fridays... our garbage pickup day is Friday. As I think I have mentioned in previous posts, and I know for sure C has mentioned it, our boys are obsessed with all things garbage. So it goes without saying that Friday is their favorite day of the week (Fridays are also Pizza Fridays!!!). The boys wait outside on the driveway with great anticipation as Willie the Recycling Man drives his truck in our direction. They are armed with Gatorade and chips as Willie approaches. Once he gets in front of our house, Willie dumps all of the recycling into the back of his truck just for the boys to see and then empties our recycling can. At this point, I have to nudge the boys a bit to go give their hero his treats. W then brings up the empty recycling can while S runs back into the garage out of shyness. Not only will I miss this weekly event, Willie is moving to Texas. Who knows if our new recycling man will be this accommodating and entertaining to the boys than Willie has been?
- McDonald's Monday- This is more of a recent ritual. I think it began during the previous school year when Nani picked W up from school and they would stop at McDonald's to pick up lunch. But over the summer this event was officially dubbed McDonald's Monday. In reality, I'm going to miss this because I miss out on McDonald's! Plus, if the boys have McDonald's on Monday, that means they can't have it on Saturday and Sunday, which means I can't have it Saturday or Sunday!!! My para-pro and I started Filet O'Fish Friday at school during Lent and continued it through the end of the school year. Hopefully we keep that up.
- Text Messages from C- I mentioned in my first post (Inblogeral) that C's text messages have been the highlight of my summer days. They get me through the days with W and S. Well, now that I'll be back at work, I won't always have the time to reply. And worse, she also emails me, and I hardly ever have the time to reply. C- PLEASE keep texting and emailing me!!!!! Even though I might not always reply, they continue to help get me through school days. And God knows I need as much help to get through those days as possible!
- W and S Singing in the Backseat- I am a radio flipper. At least when I'm not listening to sports talk. So when I find a song that I like, I leave it on. Because of this, W and S have learned some songs this summer. Not just songs that I like, but songs that C likes too. So whenever I hear a song that we've listened to alot, I'll take a peak into the backseat to see if the boys recognize the song, and if so, check to see if they've started singing it. Most times though, they'll beat me to it. So, when "Castle on the Hill" comes on, usually S, sometimes W, will yell, "Daddy's song!" When "My House" or "Despacito" starts playing, one of the boys yells, "Mommy's song!" And when they start singing, it's the cutest thing ever. The funniest thing ever was when S's song, "I Can Make Your Hands Clap," came on, and out of the blue S just yelled, "HANDS CLAP!!!!!" at the appropriate time and started clapping. Hilarious!
- Doing My Vest During the Day- It didn't get to happen all that often, except during vacation, but man do I love it when I get the opportunity to do my vest during the day. I usually had to wait until S napped, but with him napping less and less often, finding time during the morning or afternoon to do my vest became more difficult. The best though was a 2-3 day stretch a couple weeks ago where I was able to do my vest while S was still awake. He came down to the basement with me and sat right next to me for a good portion of the time. S is a very sweet little boy. I hope he never loses his kind heart.
- Cubs Day Games- So ever since the Cubs won the World Series last year, I kind of realized that I don't need to stay up late to watch all of a Cubs night game (ugh... except for the Sunday night game against the Yankees that went 17 or 18 innings. I think I went to bed around 1:00 am that night. Or I guess morning...). But I do try to catch most, if not all, of their day games. They're my team. They've always been my team. They will always be my team. Up until last year, my teaching schedule was such that I had off from basically 12:30 until the end of the day (2:00). So, I could put the game on the radio and listen until I was allowed to go home. But, when my schedule changed last year, I now teach from 12:30-2:00. So no Cubs game on the radio. Don't these people know I bleed Cubbie blue!!!
- Lunch Dates with C- These are such a welcome relief during the summer. When the boys tag along, they're still good. But when it's just C and I, they're sooooo much better. No one (cough, cough, W!) climbing, tugging or laying on C. No multiple trips to the "you-know-what." No loading/unloading children to and from the car. Cheaper meals. Quieter atmosphere. Adult conversations. From anywhere between 45-60 minutes, it's like we're C and A again, not solely Mommy and Daddy. Despite bills, jobs, and responsibilities in general, it's good to be an adult every now and then.
- Vacations- OK, in this case, I intentionally saved the best for last. Belgium, Amsterdam and Paris. The east coast and Chesapeake Bay area. I could write pages and pages about our trips, but I'll keep it simple. C and I were long overdue for a no-kids vacation. And what better place for this to occur than summertime in Europe? A big "thank you" is in order for Nani, Papa and Grandma for watching W and S while we were on "holiday." And C and I both enjoy, and believe it's incredibly important, to show W and S as much of the world as possible (except Europe. For now.). So family vacations are a must... even if we want to kill each other at various points of the excursions.
- Everything From Yesterday's List (What I Will Not Miss From Summer Vacation)
- Tantrums- Because the calm after the storm is very serene. And this is the opportunity for W and S to learn from their mistakes.
- Doors- Because I want the boys to learn than when life closes one door, it opens up another one.
- Potty Walks- Because there will come a time when W and S don't want to hang out with me, let alone admit that they're related to me. And Addie isn't getting any younger.
- The Sun- No. I still hate the sun.
- S Getting into His Carseat- Because this little guy's desire for independence is admirable. His ability to try and take risks (though sometimes unintentionally hilarious) is something to behold.
- Ramen- Nah. I still hate this too.
- W Questioning Every Driving Decision I Make- Because his curiosity and inquisitive nature are going to take him very far in this world. I'm not quite sure where, but I know he's beginning his journey in the right place.
- The Flight To/From Europe- Because I couldn't have the best summer ever if I never got there.
- Weekends that Felt Like Weekdays- Because it displays and reinforces the unconditional love between a parent and child.
- Fireworks Not on the Fourth of July- Damn!!! OK, I guess not everything on the list because I still hate this too!
- The Over-Worked, Under-Appreciated, Stressed-Out Mom Memes- Because moms are super-important. Because I would not be where I am today without my mom. And I sure as hell wouldn't be as happy as I am today without C, the mother of our children. And women live a difficult, double-standard laden life, that for pretty much all of humanity's time on earth, has been embarrassingly unfair to them.
What I Won't Miss from Summer Vacation
I return to work on Thursday after having the last 11 weeks off. This was the fifth summer I was "dad." While many events occurred over this time, I present before you a list of items that I will not miss from summer vacation.
Disclaimer #1: Even though some items/events appear on this list, it does not mean that these items/events will cease just because my vacation is over. The duration and frequency of these events as I witness or partake in them will lessen.
Disclaimer #2: These events are not ranked in any particular order other than when they popped into my mind.
Disclaimer #1: Even though some items/events appear on this list, it does not mean that these items/events will cease just because my vacation is over. The duration and frequency of these events as I witness or partake in them will lessen.
Disclaimer #2: These events are not ranked in any particular order other than when they popped into my mind.
- Tantrums- I'm not quite sure which one is worse: the 2 year old tantrum or the 4 year old tantrum. In either event, the apparent uncontrollable rage exuded by both toddlers is a tsunami wrapped inside a hurricane wrapped inside a castrated Tyrannosaurus Rex. My God, these can come out of nowhere! And over the seemingly most mundane things. I already wrote about W's tantrum on vacation over not getting Starbucks for breakfast. Well, there were others. Like... not wanting to change diaper/underwear/shorts that are soaked in pee... not being able to look in garbage cans... not being able to throw garbage away... being told to throw garbage away... not wanting your
littleyounger brother to look at you... not wanting your younger brother to sit next to you... not wanting to take a bath... not wanting your hair combed... not getting the right juice... not getting the right cup... not bringing in the mail... not bringing in the packages... not being allowed to ring the doorbell to agitate the dog... C, feel free to add more!!! - Doors- I don't know what it is about bedroom doors that W and S find so intoxicating. Is it the believed power they've discovered when disallowing their sibling from entering the room? Is it the sound the door makes when it's closed, or the jiggling of the handle when trying to open it back up? Are they just fascinated with wood? Seriously, W and S will fight over whether the door should be open or closed. And neither one sticks to one side of this argument. One day W will say it has to be open, and the next he'll say it has to be closed. And it's ALWAYS C and my bedroom door! Go fight over your own damn doors!
- Potty Walks- The joy of being a father and a dog owner. Not that I ever truly enjoyed having to take Addie for a walk, but before C and I had kids, this was obviously a solo endeavor. However, since W and S enjoy being outside so much, they have taken to tagging along on Addie's walks. Here's the problem: there are four living creatures on this walk, which means four different objectives. W: distance himself as far as possible from S; close all of the garbage cans; check out all of the mailboxes; memorize addresses; ask as many questions as humanly possible for the entire duration of the walk. S: lag a quarter mile behind dad; look down every sewer grate along the route; have dad carry his mini-Mercedes home. Addie: bark and go after every dog she sees; bark and go after every bicycle she sees; bark and go after every jogger she sees; bark and go after every kid she sees; sniff endlessly only to not relieve herself at that spot; stare at something even though nobody else is outside. Dad: get this walk over as quickly as possible!
- The Sun- So, this is probably the agent of my frustrations during the potty walks. Simply put, I HATE the sun!!! I burn easily, I get hives, I have to wear an SPF 500 and I sweat profusely. If I had my way, I would destroy the sun. Who needs that big star anyways???
- S Getting into His Carseat- This summer, S has shown his independence by climbing into his carseat by himself. Sounds great. It saves me some energy. However, it tries my patience incredibly. It takes him FOREVER to get into his seat. He likes to stand right in front of his carseat, turn around, and then point and name everything he sees. And point and name everything that isn't actually out in the world in front of him. Once he's finally sitting where he's supposed to, he doesn't want me to buckle his chest restraint on his carseat. "Noooo!!!!! S do!" he'll scream. Then the waiting game games begin anew until he says, "Daddy do!"
- Ramen- I hate everything involved with this supposed food. This is the only food that neither W nor S actually watch as it enters their mouths. Consequently, the noodles end up all over the table, on their chairs, on their clothes, in their hair, behind their ears, down their pants and on the floor. Have you ever tried cleaning wet Ramen noodles off of the floor??? It's too wet to sweep up. It's too wet to use a towel because it will just smoosh up. I can't even count on Addie to eat it all up because she's gotten sick of eating this crap too! God I hate this food!
- W Questioning Every Driving Decision I Make- Why are you in this lane? Why are we stopped? What's the name of this song? Who sings this song? How old is this song? What are they doing over there?... just make a guess. Why did you go this way? Why are we slowing down? Why aren't you going faster? Why aren't you going slower? Are you sure this is the way? Why are we STOPPED!!??!!
- The Flight To/From Europe- This was rough for a few reasons. 8-9 hours in the air. Not being able to sleep there or back. Not sitting next to C. Not being able to find the bathroom in the dark.
- Weekends that Felt Like Weekdays- Alright guys... give me a damn break for awhile! Your mother is right over there, for crying out loud! Go hang out with her. This isn't Monday. Or Tuesday. Or Wednesday. Or Thursday. Or Friday. It's the weekend. Don't you want a break from me??? I mean, I've been the one who's given you the timeouts. I've been the one who's told you to come inside. I've been the one who's dragged you all over the various towns for various reasons. I've taken away toys. I've yelled at you guys. Don't you hate me for all of these things??? I hate myself for doing them!
- Fireworks Not on the Fourth of July- I am all for lighting off explosives to honor America's declared independence from Great Britain. And if you're stupid enough to blow off a finger or two in the process, great! But for the love of Abe Lincoln's beard (by cracky!) STOP LIGHTING OFF FIREWORKS THE REST OF THE YEAR!!!! Stop lighting off fireworks on July 2nd. Stop lighting off fireworks on July 3rd. Stop lighting off fireworks on July 5th. Stop lighting off fireworks on April 18th. Stop it. Stop it. STOP IT!!!
- The Over-Worked, Under-Appreciated, Stressed-Out Mom Memes- Just for the fact that there are a lot of dads who take care of the kids, try to keep the house clean, do the laundry, do the dishes, make breakfasts, make lunches, make dinners and the myriad little things to get their kids through the day feeling loved, appreciated and special.
There you go. A list of 11 things that I will not miss from summer vacation. But the summer wasn't nearly as bad as I just made it out to be. In fact, it was the best summer of my life...
Until next time,
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